391 DUI Arrests Made in Colorado over 2015 New Year’s Eve Crackdown

January 8, 2016

391 DUI Arrests Made in Colorado over 2015 New Year’s Eve Crackdown

391 DUI Arrests Made in Colorado over 2015 New Year’s Eve Crackdown

Over the six-day DUI crackdown conducted over the 2015 New Year’s Eve (NYE) period in Colorado, nearly 400 people were arrested for allegedly driving drunk, according to the latest data from officials at the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT).

While the majority of these arrests were reportedly made by troopers with the Colorado State Patrol (CSP), other agencies to report a relatively high number of DUI arrests for this enforcement period included:

  • Aurora Police Department (PD), with 58 DUI arrests
  • Denver PD, with 37 DUI arrests
  • Colorado Springs PD, with 23 DUI arrests.

Interestingly, although the 2015 NYE period netted a high number of arrests, it did reflect a nearly 12 percent drop in the arrest rate, when compared to the New Year’s Eve arrest data from 2013.

And this promising decline seems to be support a larger trend in Colorado, as we have recently reported that DUI arrest numbers for the 2015 Thanksgiving Day period and Holiday Office Party crackdowns also reflected remarkable drops in the drunk driving arrest rates (when compared to the arrests made during these periods in prior, recent years).

12 Colorado Agencies Continue Heightened DUI Enforcement through January

The New Year’s Eve DUI crackdown is one of 12 major enforcement periods that comprise CDOT’s The Heat Is On anti-DUI program.

While these enforcement periods are scheduled to coincide with festive holidays, like July 4th and Labor Day (when impaired driving usually increases), various local law enforcement agencies throughout Colorado are still running heightened DUI enforcement campaigns outside of these targeted periods.

In fact, currently, a dozen agencies in Colorado are running increased DUI patrols and/or saturation patrols through January via LEAF funding. Detailed enforcement plans associated with these patrols are available here.

4 Things to Remember If You Are Stopped for Suspicion of DUI

Knowing that Colorado authorities are ever-vigilant about arresting drivers who are allegedly impaired, here are some of the most important things to remember if you are ever stopped for suspicion of drunk or drugged driving:

  1. You are only obligated to tell police your full legal name. Aside from that, you have the right to remain silent, and doing so can be an effective way to avoid giving police more possible evidence of impairment against you.
  2. You have the right to refuse field sobriety testing, and exercising this right is another important way to avoid giving up potential evidence of impairment.
  3. If you refuse BAC testing, your driver’s license will be automatically suspended.
  4. If you are arrested for DUI, contacting a Denver & Boulder DUI attorney at the Griffin Law Firm can be your best move for protecting your rights and effectively defending yourself against various types of DUI charges in Colorado.

Contact a Denver & Boulder DUI Lawyer at the Griffin Law Firm

Have you or a loved one been charged with a DUI offense in Colorado? If so, you can turn to the Denver & Boulder DUI lawyer at Griffin Law Firm for experienced help and the best possible defense. With more than 18 years’ experience in the criminal justice system, our attorney understands the complexities of the system, the challenges different defendants can face and the best ways of overcoming these challenges to bring criminal cases to successful resolutions.

To receive a complete evaluation of your case, along with professional advice regarding your best options, contact us by calling (303) 280-1070 or by emailing us using the contact form at the top of this page.

Categories: DUI, DUI News